Thursday, October 14, 2010


Here is the reality of today. I was going to push all the emotions aside and make it my day. My day. Yeah no...this is not happening as planned. I opened my eyes this morning and the tears started rolling, I try and push them back but its not working. So I succumb to my of these days my Birthday is not going to suck. Today four years ago, I was a bride. One of the happiest days of my life, the day I looked at my sweet love and we vowed together forever. Our boys stood by our side and vowed to be a family. So this day really sucks. I do know that it will not feel this way forever, and I think I do a good job of finding beauty in everything. So in attempt to find beauty, I am sharing the beauty of this day....four years ago.

1 comment:

ToRi and cReW said...

First off, I want to remind you of what a beautiful bride you were and what a beautiful day it was.

Second, oh my gosh! I can't believe how much all the kids have grown in four years!

Third, this day might suck for a long time. That is the reality of it. There will most likely always be a level of suckage on this day.
But also realize that on this day a beautiful woman named Brenda was born. She is amazing, special, loved, fun, confident, strong (even though it might not feel that way right now), gorgeous..... she is a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a friend.
So try to have a moment of non-suckage and remember to celebrate YOU too! You are worth celebrating!