So with out further delay, Im mucking out the barn and get some updates out to the family.
First off.......Change my web address in your favorites to I didnt think it sounded to well to add another name to the blog title! Yes here is the second off.....Three new people in the house to talk about, well not new, but new. So you could say I am not only mucking out the barn, I am coming out of the closet (not like that Mom). Dean and I have been dating since last...May ish. I dont remember the date the first time I saw him but I do remember thinking I was in trouble when I laid eyes on him. He got out of his truck and he was tall, and handsome with the most amazing smile and contagious laugh. The combination was to much to resist. He came with two sweet, darling, fabulous children, Kayleann who is five and Ryker who will be three on Saturday this week and Ranger Dog. We are having a blast. I looked down at my purse sitting on my lap this weekend as we were headed to Starbucks (Dean and Brenda get away) and Costco (another Dean and Brenda get away) I had a hammer, fruit leather, dirty tissue, Trash, Trash and more Trash to the point zipping it was not an option. What happened to my organized life!!! So my designer handbag is now a trash bin/source of a good laugh and my designer shoes have been turned in for comfort. Now anyone that knows me, knows that is a big change!
They are a hand full but oh so much fun to have in the house.You see, I get to spoil them and Dean gets to be the bad guy. UH of both worlds for me. Saturday morning cartoons, blueberry crackers (poptarts) while watching Chuck and Friends on Thursday and sometimes Friday mornings. I live for it!!!
Have to throw this one in there. Kayleann is a Daddy's girl. She is an old soul, and so much fun to cook at clean with. I heart her!
Moving on........Caleb oh my sweet Caleb. He needs to stay away from the girls, no really Caleb...stay away from the girls. They are poison...mean.....snails and puppy dog tails..or whatever they say. Oh and I hear they are mouth breathers (he cant stand mouth breathers). He is so into fitness I have been encouraging him to incorporate a profession of Nutritionist or Sports medicine into his career as a Musician. Yes we have come a long way from never shaving his face and going to medical school. I knew that one would blow over. He just turned 14 and acts like he is 20. Um...yeah dude you do....chill with the hair dryer yo. He learned how to play the guitar and he is getting so good it gives me goose pimples. We tore it up on the slopes together recently...okay now I am making up a story. Caleb tore it up on the slopes, I watched from a far distance on my skis. But hey, at least he didnt have to pick me up off the run like he did the season before. Such a stud.
First off.......Change my web address in your favorites to I didnt think it sounded to well to add another name to the blog title! Yes here is the second off.....Three new people in the house to talk about, well not new, but new. So you could say I am not only mucking out the barn, I am coming out of the closet (not like that Mom). Dean and I have been dating since last...May ish. I dont remember the date the first time I saw him but I do remember thinking I was in trouble when I laid eyes on him. He got out of his truck and he was tall, and handsome with the most amazing smile and contagious laugh. The combination was to much to resist. He came with two sweet, darling, fabulous children, Kayleann who is five and Ryker who will be three on Saturday this week and Ranger Dog. We are having a blast. I looked down at my purse sitting on my lap this weekend as we were headed to Starbucks (Dean and Brenda get away) and Costco (another Dean and Brenda get away) I had a hammer, fruit leather, dirty tissue, Trash, Trash and more Trash to the point zipping it was not an option. What happened to my organized life!!! So my designer handbag is now a trash bin/source of a good laugh and my designer shoes have been turned in for comfort. Now anyone that knows me, knows that is a big change!
I think there is some fancy lip gloss at the bottom....the kind I used to not be able to live without...... Tsk tsk tsk.... Goldfish are a definite must anytime you leave the house. So you can say I have also become the snack bag, even though we dont leave the house without the actual snack bag.
Dean and the kids, taken by my sweet sister Tori
They are a hand full but oh so much fun to have in the house.You see, I get to spoil them and Dean gets to be the bad guy. UH of both worlds for me. Saturday morning cartoons, blueberry crackers (poptarts) while watching Chuck and Friends on Thursday and sometimes Friday mornings. I live for it!!!
Ryker with his new Frog chair and a strawberry cracker watching Chuck and Friends waiting for his Daddy to get home. My bed isnt usually made, this is a rare occasion now.
Ryker in his Ninja Turtle Stage
He has to have a big really "I WANT A BIG FORK" So what do we do...give the kid a big fork! Lets roll
I swear I am not into child labor...he loves doing dishes just like Kaylee. He and Daddy have matching Thomas the Train aprons (Thanks Mom)
Have to throw this one in there. Kayleann is a Daddy's girl. She is an old soul, and so much fun to cook at clean with. I heart her!
Kaylee loves to help me with the dishes and cook. We have matching ballerina aprons (Thanks mom!)
Kaylee's bandaid phase..or maybe not....
Goofing off with her Daddy!
Tickle Time!! Every night we have them. Tickle time is a must and often trumps bath time.
Moving on........Caleb oh my sweet Caleb. He needs to stay away from the girls, no really Caleb...stay away from the girls. They are poison...mean.....snails and puppy dog tails..or whatever they say. Oh and I hear they are mouth breathers (he cant stand mouth breathers). He is so into fitness I have been encouraging him to incorporate a profession of Nutritionist or Sports medicine into his career as a Musician. Yes we have come a long way from never shaving his face and going to medical school. I knew that one would blow over. He just turned 14 and acts like he is 20. Um...yeah dude you do....chill with the hair dryer yo. He learned how to play the guitar and he is getting so good it gives me goose pimples. We tore it up on the slopes together recently...okay now I am making up a story. Caleb tore it up on the slopes, I watched from a far distance on my skis. But hey, at least he didnt have to pick me up off the run like he did the season before. Such a stud.
Fourteen....not a license to drive!
Me and Caleb (Noodle) on the slopes not, and I not go shopping with Caleb and Jordan. You will get kicked out of the department store for unruly behavior!
Morgan update....WOW I had this moment the other day and I was on cloud nine..ten, eleven and twelve. He doesnt know this part but I left his school after meeting with his counselors planning for Senior year and I cried. Yeah, I cried. Got home and I couldnt get the words out to tell Dean. Blah Blah...Morgan...I um um...So proud to his Mom.....He is so cool. He fills my heart and my soul!!! I get to be his mom. I am so blessed. I dont know if I could say anymore about you man. Your just cool!
Morgan learning pottery on Deans new wheel
Teaching Kaylee how to make Pizza
Starving from a morning on the slopes
Going crazy with is Poi...He is incredible
Mom is doing well, she works her fanny off at the school and is the best lunch lady in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD. Caleb loves having her there and I love that all the lunch ladies are watching after Caleb. She is always a busy bee, seems like we dont see much of each other even though we are in the same house! She and Kayl (who is a super star by the way!) are on their way home from Colorado. I have missed my mama and she has only been gone for three days.
Nanny making pickles with Kaylee, she loves to go down and couchette with Nanny!
So there it is in a nut shell. All is well here, we are happy...... full and crazy as we could ever be. It never ends here and there is plenty of variety of life to choose from. Dean and I are headed to Europe in April and looking forward to getting away.