Monday, March 17, 2014

So many updates

Its about time for a lot of things including updating the blog. It has been way to long! First and foremost, we are the proud owners of whats being called "The Huntsville House","Sugar Jar Ranch", "Farm House". You have to call it something other than home or the children dont know which house your talking about.

We have been trying to get it all set up over the past few weeks. Its been slow go but we are getting there! Not sure what I would do without my amazing mother who has done so much work already.

I had this extreme proud moment recently as I was on my way up to the Huntsville house to meet the plumber. I am so proud that Dean and I are making the choices we are. One of these days we will be out of the city learning to live off the land and teaching all of our children life is not about "stuff and things". I really feel like I am home and my dreams are coming true.

Huntsville House!

Of course Dean had to have a new toy, gotta love a man on a tractor. 
Caleb wandering the field out back. 

There are horses just down the lane from the house and Little Miss Kaylee LOVES them. She and Ryker have named them all. They run down there and feed them carrots and apples. My little country kids!

I have a saying in my house "the dirtier the better". Often times when the kids have spilled or splashed or purposely made a complete disaster they throw it back at me "but you said the dirtier the better". This is what I am talking about, kids playing in the mud and the dirt just being kids! 
Little Miss feeding the horses with Nanny

We have a big jetted tub in the master bathroom, the kids love bath time at the Huntsville House. It typically ends up with way to many bubbles flipped all over the walls, window and floor...oh well. 

On Another note....Morgan Morgan Morgan......He did his first skydiving trip in Moab a few weekends ago. He said he was scared to death but cant wait to do it again! He is working at the car wash and just finished Phlybotomy school. Still praying he goes back to the University in the fall, unfortunately (but fortunately) I dont have control anymore.

Last but not least, although there are so many more things to share. Little Miss Kaylee lost her two front teeth. I cant keep myself from sharing this.

Here was the experience from her first front tooth on Rykers 5th Birthday.

The second front tooth was just hanging there but she refused to let anyone help her pull it... This last week on her way home from school her juice cup hit it just right and Walla! Rights of passage I tell ya!

We are happy, healthy and watching all of our wonderful children grown up. Life doesnt get much better than this! 

Peace....Love......Cheers.....Brenda and Dean