Monday, February 28, 2011

Kayl 18th Birthday Party!!!!!

Kayl is going to be 18 on Wednesday. I cannot believe this day is coming, I thought I was ready however looking at pictures of him on Saturday.....I am so not ready! Total bawl baby thinking about it. Its gone way to fast! We had a dinner party for him yesterday. I made his favorite dinner, Chili Verde and Mom made him a champagne cake. We listened to Andrea Buccelli, Enya and Iron Wine during dinner and fully enjoyed each others company. I am so so proud of the man he has become!

First time making this cake. Mom wasnt super happy with the recipe but it was excellent!

Happy Birthday song, we tried the Marilyn Monroe voice (we sounded horrible!)

Here are the boys at the dinner table. They are so fun to have dinner with.

This cracked us all up! Morgan Morgan Morgan....I love you so much! You make me laugh so hard! Morgan has etiquette day coming up. He went and bought a new shirt with Kayl and Noodle yesterday and dressed up. He kept saying he felt "fancy" he looks so handsome. He is also planning on going to Prom with his cute girlfriend Brynne. Issue is......boy cant dance....and I mean BOY CANT DANCE! So he grabbed Caleb and gave him a twirl...or maybe I should say threw him around like a rag doll. The best!

He knocked him on the floor and slid him through his legs (what was that? Some country dancing move or something???) this part of the Tango?

HA HA Caption needed here. Just look and you will laugh!

It was a fantastic weekend with the kids and Mama! I love looking back on a Monday morning and smiling on how wonderful my family is. I have put more pictures to the right side from Kayls Bday party.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tile Update (with a small plea from nature)

Maybe a small plea isnt going to be loud enough for the Universe, Mother Nature, God, Goddess, Budda.....yadda yadda to hear me. Maybe we should all gather some collective energy and do a dance or something...chant to the East? West?......... Desperate for sunshine, green grass and warmth. I need to get my hands in the dirt, plant a know???????
So this is what we woke up to this morning, I had to get Morgan to school early and had to drive in this junk at 6:30, what a drag.

Mama clearing off her truck to get Guster to school on time.

Now here is for some HAPPY NEWS.....most of it anyway. Matt and Aaron have been on this for over a week. We ran out of tile, I wanted to cry due to the fact that I had just been at the tile shop that day picking up grout (45 minutes from the house) and had to turn around and go back the next morning. Can you say INSOMNIA??? Oh I can.......its like laying in bed counting sheep...INSOMNIA ONE, INSOMNIA TWO...and so on. I am running on somewhere between 10 and 12 hours for the entire week. Anything and everything is going to bring this tired little lady to tears. Lets continue..........

Tried to get the entire room, this is the theater room part..(messy)

South end of the room

Hallway to the restroom.....we wont show pictures of the restroom. Morgan has missed putting stickers on his chore chart for cleaning the restroom all week. We will have to discuss my new chore chart policy some other time. Its pretty funny!

Hallway to Morgans Room, another chore missing stickers all week!

Drum Roll is the is the reason Matt had to hug me for five minutes straight yesterday while I cried into his shirt.

See the bottom tile??? Yes it is off from the line by 1/2 inch. I am tearing up again...It all has to be fixed. How Matt is going to do it I dont know. I heard something about a chalk line, skill saw, removing tiles......and a few swear words. We will see how this works out. Even Worse....go to the next picture.

THIS IS ALL THAT IS LEFT TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sniff Sniff.....

I do have to say that Matt and Aaron are still my HERO's and I heart them very much. They did crack me up last night, I think they did rock paper scissors on who was going to show me the problem. Matt lost!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Let me preface this post by saying in "HUGE LETTERS WITH HUGE NOISE THAT I HEART MATT AND AARON" those boys are my hero's. I cannot believe how hard they worked and it was a pain in the butt! They didnt know how hard it was going to be with the pattern chose. Matt doesnt want to admit it but I did ask him if it would be am sure I was in their bad dreams or will be!

Here is the beginning this took um....three or four hours I think.

Moving right along......this was the end of the first night.

Next morning the boys were at it early Saturday morning.

Here is another view from Saturday morning.

This was one of the hardest corners for the boys. I think Kayl is scratching his head. Here is one thing I didnt think of. That door...right there is the door to cold storage. Totally blocked off and we ran out of toilet paper upstairs. By the time I realized this, the process was much further along.

End of the second day!

Its lookin good!

We didnt get as far as we hoped to but its coming right along!

Friday, February 18, 2011


OHHHH MAN i am so frustrated yet so happy. The basement has been a nightmare trying to finish. UGGGG!!!!!!!!! So last week we had everything mapped out, ready for tile, paint, carpet good to go. UNTIL........the tile company ran out of tile so it was back to the drawing board for me. Hectic few weeks with work so cramming in tile shopping has not been my best friend. Found tile two days ago, purchase it right there on the spot! No messing around! This morning Matt shows up to tile, I am in SLC at an appointment with the floor design and tile map in my briefcase. GOOD GRIEF! Get home...tile is the wrong thickness....UM anything else????

So we are finally on our is the can follow with me to the bitter end. Feel free for those of you that are close to drop by for a drink to hold down the stress level. Those of you far always work or call someone close to come over for a drink.
All I can say is I heart Matt (Morgans Dad) and Aaron (Morgans Uncle) for doing this for me.

Hall way before Tile

Theater Room before Tile

Tile and Tile design

Landing before Tile

I am crossing my fingers!!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Life's Moments

I had the most amazing weekend with my boys. We didnt go anywhere or do anything, just stayed home. Well, I stayed home and did the house work and the boys played. Yesterday was so warm! I had been in the house all day long baking, meal planning and cleaning house.

This is what I found when I went outside to see my boys.

Noodle Long boarding

Kayl Long boarding

Morgan Long boarding

They had set up chairs on the curb. Kayl had all the doors open to his car playing loud music. So awesome to watch them play, listen to them laugh and coach each other. All that was missing was my sweet boy Houstin. We all hope he will be able to come over and play soon.

This is now the screen saver on my phone. I laughed so hard watching these two that tears were streaming down my cheeks! They decided to help me finish the housework so Kayl vacuumed while Morgan mopped behind him. They kept running into each other, Morgan was so irritated with Kayl when he would step on the wet floor. Oh man I wish I would have recorded this!

I asked the boys if they would burn the shredding. I swear I have ZERO time to sit in front of a shredder...not on the top of my "to do" list. I turned the IPod on and stood there listening to the boys chat and laugh. I feel so lucky they are mine. They amaze me every day! Lucky Mom feeling once again thanks boys for being so incredible!

You are simply AWESOME!

Gus, Guster, Augustus aka "SUPER STAR"

How cool is this! Guster is playing basketball and he loves it! Takes me back to the summer nights watching him play ball in the driveway with his cousins and or his dad. This is his game from this past Saturday. I missed it but Mom was able to go and had so much fun watching him. Way to go Guster!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Every year we have a tradition with the boys, they get to choose whatever they want to eat on Super Bowl Sunday. I promise you we have had some very interesting years, anywhere from crispy cream donuts to sushi....yes the kids were sick that year (I believe gummy bears were in there somewhere to). This year we broke tradition....I know I know, but we all have to grow up sometime. The boys let me cook this year doing things a little healthier. We made Sliders, Nacho's and of course Morgans specialty...chicken wings! FYI, I have been trying to put together a cooking blog, watch for the link to the right. Most of you know I was not the cook in this house for a reason, its been a very interesting journey.

I have a feeling this post is going to get me in trouble....OH well...bring it on boys I am so not scared of you......

Um....I am not sure what this is but its really funny!

I love hanging out with my boys. We were all cooking together. If you notice, Kayl has a little road rash on his cheek from a long boarding crash that day.

Mikey came over and had a towel war with Morgan. You know when you flip the end of the towel with a snap, crack....ooooohhhhh red mark! Of course Mikey only wears shorts so you can only imagine how red his legs were.

Um.....I have no idea what this is but its funny!

What a great day.......we had so much fun cooking and eating together. Its a blast to hang out with my boys. What a lucky Mom.....