Monday, February 21, 2011


Let me preface this post by saying in "HUGE LETTERS WITH HUGE NOISE THAT I HEART MATT AND AARON" those boys are my hero's. I cannot believe how hard they worked and it was a pain in the butt! They didnt know how hard it was going to be with the pattern chose. Matt doesnt want to admit it but I did ask him if it would be am sure I was in their bad dreams or will be!

Here is the beginning this took um....three or four hours I think.

Moving right along......this was the end of the first night.

Next morning the boys were at it early Saturday morning.

Here is another view from Saturday morning.

This was one of the hardest corners for the boys. I think Kayl is scratching his head. Here is one thing I didnt think of. That door...right there is the door to cold storage. Totally blocked off and we ran out of toilet paper upstairs. By the time I realized this, the process was much further along.

End of the second day!

Its lookin good!

We didnt get as far as we hoped to but its coming right along!

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