Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Foster Mother

I wasnt sure what I was getting myself into but just like everything else I do I go with my instincts and it always turns out great or I chalk it up to a learning experience. RANGER........

I am the foster mother of the sweet 110 lb Black Lab Great Dane mix and I am in LOVE with him. He is my big sweet slobbery dog! I cant say "dog sitter" sounds way to impersonal and I refer to myself as "mommy" to Ranger. Yes I adore him that much. A friend of mine sold his house and Ranger had no where to lay his big body so I am caring for him for now. I will miss him when he goes. Caleb has me on an exercise schedule to drop the 15 lbs I gained when I quit smoking (yes I still want to cover myself in nicotine patches). So every morning he wakes me up at 5:30 I strap on the jog leash and Ranger pulls me for a mile and a half. Of course the remaining .75 miles is up hill and I have to pull Ranger. He is so big that when he slacks the leash, then pulls, it about knocks you over! In reaction I tighten my abs and clench my butt....I am getting a full body work out!!!!! He loves to play catch, unfortunately that has been happening inside......he hits the rug in the front room and slides to where he almost hits the door. My house might look like a wreck most of the time but its okay...totally worth it. He loves Noodle, when he leaves for school Ranger stands at the window all sad.

Here are me and my boys. a BIG dog and two little dogs. Rolling Solie in bacon grease didnt work......he and Ranger play together all the time.

He lays in my office next to me when I work.

How could you not love him!

Doesnt matter where I am or whats in the way. He likes to chill out next to his mommy. (okay I am a junkie...I admit it)

There is so much going on and I have had zero time to post. Here is a quick run down.

Kayl is graduating on Tuesday.....HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of him! Morgan, Caleb and Houstin are almost done with the school year. Mother bought a new car (Subaru) and planted the garden. Leslie will be here on Saturday, April, Melissa and Taylor will be here on Monday. Lots going on with work..............................Work...............................Work............Work.

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