Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Noodle's Blondie Locks

When Caleb was born he had a full head of hair the color of sand. The most amazing head of hair you have ever seen, it has followed him through his 13 years. The girls at school are so jealous of him.....that became a bit of an issue. He has been growing his hair out for over a year and finally to the point where he can pull it back in a hair tie. The other day he gave it up, said he was done being called a girl or can be so mean! I am sure he could see the hesitation on my face and hear it in my voice but its his choice.....sooooooooo.

How could you not love a kid with hair like this and those little chubby cheeks! Caleb with his Auntie April in Carnation Washington, he was almost two.

The.....sniff of Noodle with long hair...sob sob. At the Salon waiting for Edward Scissor Hands...

I think he was saying...Enough is enough just shave it...or something like that.

I will admit, I had a hard time with his hair being cut. We tried to donate to locks of love but we were just a little to short.

The entire time, he had a smile on his face from ear to ear.

Total 80's rock star look but he wouldnt go for it.

Oh My! Your how old? He just went from looking 10, 10 minutes ago to looking 13. I about fainted. The empty nest syndrome is setting in.

I cannot believe how different he looks, he is still so handsome....but the baby face is officially gone. We ran a few errands afterwards and he said he could finally hear! Welcome to another stage of your life Noodle...oh should I still call him Noodle??????


Faerie Maven said...

He will always be noodle no matter how old he is! :) We have some gooooood lookin boys don't we sis! 12 more wake ups! Hug him for me!

Brenda Whitehead said...

Come down and thaw out sister! 70 degrees and fabulous outside. Leave Alaska in the dust girl...lets party it up