Maybe a small plea isnt going to be loud enough for the Universe, Mother Nature, God, Goddess, Budda.....yadda yadda to hear me. Maybe we should all gather some collective energy and do a dance or something...chant to the East? West?......... Desperate for sunshine, green grass and warmth. I need to get my hands in the dirt, plant a know???????
So this is what we woke up to this morning, I had to get Morgan to school early and had to drive in this junk at 6:30, what a drag.
Mama clearing off her truck to get Guster to school on time.
Now here is for some HAPPY NEWS.....most of it anyway. Matt and Aaron have been on this for over a week. We ran out of tile, I wanted to cry due to the fact that I had just been at the tile shop that day picking up grout (45 minutes from the house) and had to turn around and go back the next morning. Can you say INSOMNIA??? Oh I can.......its like laying in bed counting sheep...INSOMNIA ONE, INSOMNIA TWO...and so on. I am running on somewhere between 10 and 12 hours for the entire week. Anything and everything is going to bring this tired little lady to tears. Lets continue..........
Tried to get the entire room, this is the theater room part..(messy)
South end of the room
Hallway to the restroom.....we wont show pictures of the restroom. Morgan has missed putting stickers on his chore chart for cleaning the restroom all week. We will have to discuss my new chore chart policy some other time. Its pretty funny!
Hallway to Morgans Room, another chore missing stickers all week!
Drum Roll is the is the reason Matt had to hug me for five minutes straight yesterday while I cried into his shirt.
See the bottom tile??? Yes it is off from the line by 1/2 inch. I am tearing up again...It all has to be fixed. How Matt is going to do it I dont know. I heard something about a chalk line, skill saw, removing tiles......and a few swear words. We will see how this works out. Even Worse....go to the next picture.
THIS IS ALL THAT IS LEFT TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sniff Sniff.....
I do have to say that Matt and Aaron are still my HERO's and I heart them very much. They did crack me up last night, I think they did rock paper scissors on who was going to show me the problem. Matt lost!