Monday, March 21, 2011

UH.....what just happened...PROM?

I honestly wonder where the time went. Morgan, my baby...the little boy who's butt fit in the palm of my hand (sorry buddy but it did!). Now all of the sudden I am in the throws of a Prom party, tuxedo, flowers, dress colors, photos......UH, WHAT JUST HAPPENED? He grew up and all of the sudden girls are important. Am I really ready for this???..I say not really! I am lucky that Morgans cute little girlfriend Brynn is darling and we love having her around. We have her as often as we can for family dinner. Shes a cutie!

Tyler helping Morgan get ready. Love the hat but Morgan wouldnt wear it. (ooohhh second look at this one and he does resemble someone from the 80's)


I will cherish this picture forever!

End result, Morgan and Brynn! Thank you sweet sister Tori
For those of you that are curious, Morgan danced a slow song. Good call buddy!

Family Dinner

Mom and Dad (Jack and Marsha) Started a new tradition. They come to each one of the childrens house once a month so we can all visit. This month it was my turn. For those of you that know Dad you know what a picky eater he is....and I mean PICKY! When you order a burger for Dad, you order a burger on a bun..period. Jason freaked me out the first time we had Mom and Dad over for dinner. UGG I agonized over what to feed Dad for so long. I think Jason did it just to watch me squirm! So, I am very careful what I put in front of Dad and expect him to gobble up. I would never show a horrible picture of me like this one (what is that look on my face????) but "I GET BRAGGING RIGHTS"! Dad's plate is EMPTY! We had such a fabulous time together, it was so nice to see Mom and Dad, Houstin, Jared, Tori and Brogan. Amazing family and I love them all dearly! Mom I fixed the comments section so you can post anonymous if you choose.


I look over the past few months and all I have posted about has been the "BASEMENT". Enough Enough Enough.....we are finally DONE! Ahhhhhhh, such an amazing feeling to finally be able to move onto something else. Geez I wonder whats next...hmmmmmm I am sure I will think of something very frustrating and time consuming!

I have so many people to thank. So without further delay.......

Toya Larsen with Unigue Tile and Stone...girl you were a life saver! Toya designed our tile and helped with the ordering of everything! She is a super star and works with some amazing people. LOVE THEM. Toya also does interior design on the side......if your in need, Toya is your girl.

Beverly over at Home Depot in American Fork....she was so awesome as I changed my mind a zillion times on the carpet. Thanks Beverly!

John Wallace with JW Floor Covering, awesome job laying the carpet and fixing the edge of the carpet leading into the tile. He didnt even charge us extra for that! 866-594-6782

CARPET REHAB 1, Ryan over there is awesome! He came in and cleaned the carpet in the entire house for one hell of a price. He took out stains and smells in the carpet I thought would never come out. are a SUPER STAR! Find them on Face book Carpet Rehab 1 1 801-857-7562 (psssssttttt....tell them I sent you, if you do, they will clean my boat and it could really use a cleaning) friend did all of our electrical. Crayton is awesome! And Jared Elwell for keeping Crayton company and making sure he had a cold beer.

Mikey Percell.....Painter extrodinar.........did all the painting and treated me like I was one of his workers. Didnt care that I had a blister on my finger from caulking! Love you man.....

Last but not least. My family.......Mom, Morgan, Kayl, Caleb and Guster always digging in. Matt and Aaron Eagar for doing all the tile work. I am so blessed to have such an amazing family!

Monday, March 14, 2011

LUCKY LADY.....Basement update

Here it is a Monday morning...busy with meetings today so this is going to be a very quick post. I am considering myself a Lucky Lady! I have the best kids and the best friends in the world! Mikey my favorite painter (also one of my best friends!) came and helped a sobbing Brenda with the painting this weekend. He is such a superstar it only took him a few hours to do the bathroom on Friday. I would have been at that sucker all day and had to cover my body with Bengay before bedtime. Saturday morning we lost a very dear friend and Mikey's sister in law. Carmen was very young and battled cancer for a year. My heart breaks for her family, we will miss seeing her smiling face.

Bathroom after Mikey's touch

Saturday morning we were not expecting Mikey to be up and around. We flew into gear and rolled on the primer. We did get in trouble with Mikey when he came up later in the day to paint. I think he more or less giggled at what a non professional painting job we did!

I did help with all the calking and taping up door hinges etc. My finger was so sore from running calking beads! I dont choose painting as a profession!

All the doors lined up. I learned how to remove and install doors! Oh yeah...I am a big girl now!

Finishing up, you can really see the contrast with the dark colored walls. So beautiful!

Totally cleaned up and ready for carpet tomorrow morning. The only area left is the hallway.

Chocolate wall where the possible "future bar" is...we will see...I am pretty worn out over this!

I am a very Lucky Lady! Thanks Mikey, Mom and boys for all your help! We are so so so close to being done. It should all be done by the end of the week! Super excited to have Morgans Prom Party and the Elwell family party on Sunday!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meet one of my sisters.......Tori Elwell

I have to get this off my chest, been on my mind all day. Things set memories off, a song, a smell, a picture, one thought leading to another. This morning I have no idea what set me off but my memories led back to Tori, always to Tori. If you do not know who Tori is, you should (her blog link is to the right). Tori is my sister and I love her! She has been my rock, my best friend, my "go to person".....(I am not going to cry...I am not going to cry.....crap......crying). Lets go back for a the day I learned about Tori. Jared, Tori's now sweet, wonderful, loving husband had gone through a few girlfriends ( a row), I finally had to tell him I wouldnt meet anymore of them. Then.......a phone call, late at night, VERY late at night on a weekday no less. Jason and I were in bed and I could hear Jared and Tori's voice over the phone, they were in a Walmart parking lot playing "poop dollar". Yes I did say "poop dollar", something to do with dog poop and a five dollar bill laying on the ground. Right then and there, I knew she was family.....straight up Elwell style. As a wife of an Elwell you have to be able to take what is thrown at you and if you want to continue to be an Elwell, you better learn quick how to play along. From that day on, she has been my sister with all my heart and soul. I sure love you girl!

I do believe Tori is checking the fashion tape so gracefully adhered to my dress.

True bonding time. Tori and I in the hull of a boat in Lake Powell, middle of the summer, helping the boys weld with very little oxygen. What we called the Cheech and Chong adventure. We were filthy dirty and guaranteed short a few brain cells! Worked all night long and played all day.

Lake Powell, trip to the marina to get something to float on.

I can say this.....anytime you were with Jason....Beer was involved...period....point do not ask questions.....and you would end up giggling......A LOT!
Example: Tori below, giggling in the back of the car with a radial float tube around her in hand!

Isnt she pretty!

Picture from our Cruise, Me, Tori and Patty. Tori was pregnant and out played all of us. Of course she chose one person each day to partake of the daily ships drink for her. That may have had something to do with our early bed time.

Tori, with Mom and Dad and Jared.

One of the happiest days of my life as well as hers. Tori's wedding day, officially an Elwell.

No idea why this one is so small. Fish Lake the February before Jason passed.
Yes that is a bloody Mary in her cup...Jason is in the background and guaranteed there was beer involved.

I feel so much better...I love love love to share stories and feelings, refreshing! Thanks for being my "go to person" sister!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Launching of the Dingy!

This story makes me giggle. First off before we get into the Saturday events it makes it even funnier if you know what happened the weekend before. Morgan....see you know its going to be funny already, it starts with Morgan! Throw Kayl in there and you know you have a humdinger of a story! Anyway.....Morgan and Kayl decided they wanted to go Kayaking. So they hauled the Kayak down to the lake, Morgan slid in and within seconds flipped over into the ICY COLD WATER!!!!! Kayl said he all of the sudden became super human and pulled Morgan out of the water with one hand. I was totally against the Kayak adventure and have been saying no for weeks. What I get back from Morgan is "its fine Mom I will have my cell phone on me" REALLY, what good does a wet cell phone do you!
So last week the boys get a boat from out back, that boat has been back there for years! Matt came over and gave it to Kayl. I am had a boat in my back yard and I didnt know it was yours? I wonder what else is back there. They patched the sucker up and crossed their fingers it would float. Didnt even have a plug, they came in the house and took a cork out of one of my wine bottles. HMMMM should I be afraid????

Safely at the boat harbor ready for the maiden voyage. Morgan, Kayl and Tyler.

Nice teamwork, so far so good.

Little leaking going on there boys!

Nah....its all good MOM! We are floating!!!

( I really think they are nervous right here but would never show it, I didnt raise pansy boys!)

Does everyone have their cell phones with them? I tell ya, they come in handy if you flip your boat. I look at this picture and think, where is your food? What if you get cold? The Or they are using is the Kayak Or.........HA HA HA HA!!!

Nothing to worry about right....UGGGGGG!!!!

An hour later Kayl comes get a BUCKET to bail water out of the boat. Said it was from splashing. I dont think he wanted to admit the cork was leaking! What a bunch of characters.

Brief update to the basement. I took Friday off of work to help out. I scrubbed tile until I thought my fingers were going to bleed! Mom and Kayl helped get things cleaned up. We are finally done with tile! It looks absolutely amazing! Kayl and Morgan are putting the base boards up and carpet is waiting on us. Lets hope we can get the painting done this week.


Looks so fabulous!