Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meet one of my sisters.......Tori Elwell

I have to get this off my chest, been on my mind all day. Things set memories off, a song, a smell, a picture, one thought leading to another. This morning I have no idea what set me off but my memories led back to Tori, always to Tori. If you do not know who Tori is, you should (her blog link is to the right). Tori is my sister and I love her! She has been my rock, my best friend, my "go to person".....(I am not going to cry...I am not going to cry.....crap......crying). Lets go back for a the day I learned about Tori. Jared, Tori's now sweet, wonderful, loving husband had gone through a few girlfriends ( a row), I finally had to tell him I wouldnt meet anymore of them. Then.......a phone call, late at night, VERY late at night on a weekday no less. Jason and I were in bed and I could hear Jared and Tori's voice over the phone, they were in a Walmart parking lot playing "poop dollar". Yes I did say "poop dollar", something to do with dog poop and a five dollar bill laying on the ground. Right then and there, I knew she was family.....straight up Elwell style. As a wife of an Elwell you have to be able to take what is thrown at you and if you want to continue to be an Elwell, you better learn quick how to play along. From that day on, she has been my sister with all my heart and soul. I sure love you girl!

I do believe Tori is checking the fashion tape so gracefully adhered to my dress.

True bonding time. Tori and I in the hull of a boat in Lake Powell, middle of the summer, helping the boys weld with very little oxygen. What we called the Cheech and Chong adventure. We were filthy dirty and guaranteed short a few brain cells! Worked all night long and played all day.

Lake Powell, trip to the marina to get something to float on.

I can say this.....anytime you were with Jason....Beer was involved...period....point do not ask questions.....and you would end up giggling......A LOT!
Example: Tori below, giggling in the back of the car with a radial float tube around her in hand!

Isnt she pretty!

Picture from our Cruise, Me, Tori and Patty. Tori was pregnant and out played all of us. Of course she chose one person each day to partake of the daily ships drink for her. That may have had something to do with our early bed time.

Tori, with Mom and Dad and Jared.

One of the happiest days of my life as well as hers. Tori's wedding day, officially an Elwell.

No idea why this one is so small. Fish Lake the February before Jason passed.
Yes that is a bloody Mary in her cup...Jason is in the background and guaranteed there was beer involved.

I feel so much better...I love love love to share stories and feelings, refreshing! Thanks for being my "go to person" sister!

1 comment:

ToRi and cReW said...

You are too sweet to me and give me too much credit!
But thank you!!