Monday, March 7, 2011

Launching of the Dingy!

This story makes me giggle. First off before we get into the Saturday events it makes it even funnier if you know what happened the weekend before. Morgan....see you know its going to be funny already, it starts with Morgan! Throw Kayl in there and you know you have a humdinger of a story! Anyway.....Morgan and Kayl decided they wanted to go Kayaking. So they hauled the Kayak down to the lake, Morgan slid in and within seconds flipped over into the ICY COLD WATER!!!!! Kayl said he all of the sudden became super human and pulled Morgan out of the water with one hand. I was totally against the Kayak adventure and have been saying no for weeks. What I get back from Morgan is "its fine Mom I will have my cell phone on me" REALLY, what good does a wet cell phone do you!
So last week the boys get a boat from out back, that boat has been back there for years! Matt came over and gave it to Kayl. I am had a boat in my back yard and I didnt know it was yours? I wonder what else is back there. They patched the sucker up and crossed their fingers it would float. Didnt even have a plug, they came in the house and took a cork out of one of my wine bottles. HMMMM should I be afraid????

Safely at the boat harbor ready for the maiden voyage. Morgan, Kayl and Tyler.

Nice teamwork, so far so good.

Little leaking going on there boys!

Nah....its all good MOM! We are floating!!!

( I really think they are nervous right here but would never show it, I didnt raise pansy boys!)

Does everyone have their cell phones with them? I tell ya, they come in handy if you flip your boat. I look at this picture and think, where is your food? What if you get cold? The Or they are using is the Kayak Or.........HA HA HA HA!!!

Nothing to worry about right....UGGGGGG!!!!

An hour later Kayl comes get a BUCKET to bail water out of the boat. Said it was from splashing. I dont think he wanted to admit the cork was leaking! What a bunch of characters.

Brief update to the basement. I took Friday off of work to help out. I scrubbed tile until I thought my fingers were going to bleed! Mom and Kayl helped get things cleaned up. We are finally done with tile! It looks absolutely amazing! Kayl and Morgan are putting the base boards up and carpet is waiting on us. Lets hope we can get the painting done this week.


Looks so fabulous!

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