Monday, January 31, 2011


Mom had another fabulous trip up American Fork Canyon Friday. We had been sick all week and neither one of us had left the house for several days. Mom got that snow bug and headed out with the girls!

Roxy and Piper having a ball all covered in snow.


Sweet Mama! She told me she knew she wasnt going to make the timer on the camera so she basically had to dive to get in view.

Feel free to comment on your adventure Mom (hint hint.....)

Dear God....Is this Heaven?

Park City = Good friends and family

Mixology bar

Little closer......what does that sign say?

Oh yes.....I do believe this is heaven!

Next time I am in Park City....I am going to have to visit Heaven!!!!! Yesterdays trip was close to it. Thanks John and Nikki and Harley for spending another fabulous afternoon with us...see you this weekend. Dont burn to a crisp on your Cruise Harley!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mom's cannot be sick!!!!!

My days are blending together as I am coming out of a self induced NyQuil coma. After my long work day Tuesday I gave up the ghost and hit the sack. Woke up Wed morning feeling worse....a sick Morgan and a sick Mother. OH MAN!!! We were so sick we couldnt even take care of each other. I didnt see Morgan or Mom for hours at a time. Come to think about it.....I dont even know if Morgan went to school this morning, guess I better check! UGGGG

Wednesdays Caleb usually goes to his Dad's for a sleep over.

Yesterday after school goes kind of like this.

Caleb- "Mom are you feeling okay"
Me- "No buddy I think I am going to die"." Why arent you at your Dads?"
Caleb- "I didnt really want to go"
Me-"you used the fact that I am sick to get out of going to your Dads didnt you?"
Caleb- "yeah Mom I did"

This morning around 6:30 AM:

Caleb- "Are you feeling any better Mom?"
Me- "Not sure yet buddy, I dont want to move"
Caleb- "So I was thinking I would go to Jordans after school. I am kind of feeling sick and if come home, I might get even more sick".

See a problem here? Manipulating a situation and using a sick mom to get your way. Now that I can actually think semi straight I realized what took place. NOODLE!!!!

So I get up this morning to a disgusting kitchen. I dont get it, there wasnt a clean dish in the house! Me, Mom and Morgan were all in bed, Caleb and Kayl were the only ones home. They had left a pan on the stove on warm with dinner from the night before. BURNED and CAKED to the bottom of the pan, I broke a spoon trying to get it clean. I stood in the kitchen, in pajama's I have worn for two days and sweat buckets getting it clean. Why, is there one shirt in the washing machine? Where is my IPOD? Did the dogs go outside and get fed? What in the world is that smell????? Can someone explain to me why there is a bowl in the freezer with half cut up banana with the peel on?


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Round and Round and Round we go

Round and Round....go, go go........when I finally do get to stop, will someone please hand me a glass of wine and provide a cabana boy? I dont even care if he speaks English!

I would like everyone to know, its my Moms fault! She taught me everything I know and if she didnt teach it to me.....its hereditary. This little germ, gene, microscopic annoyance in my blood tells my brain I can do everything. I will make time, make myself available and just do it. WHOA....slow this down! Running a 101 fever today, been awake since 2:30 this morning with body aches. BUT, I am still working full force, managed to get dinner in the crock pot and kids should be home in 30 minutes or less. Puh.......this sucks. Enough of that.....

Mama is doing so AMAZING! She has had a rough time this winter being couped up in the house. We have had very few days here where the sun has been out. We are all feeling a little gloomy and need to be sun kissed. She decided she wanted to try something new, Snowshoeing. Yes, this is also were I get my craziness. Snowshoeing Mom? Really....why not pottery or something like that? So she ordered herself some fancy snowshoes from Cabelas. The day they came, she was outside making her way around the yard in her fancy snowshoes and sweat pants. Your so cute Mom!

Last weekend she chose to leave the house and head up American Fork Canyon. It was a gorgeous day, one of the few days we have seen the sun.

She send me a few text messages with her pictures but I cant get them to post here. So....I am being creative. This is up American Fork Canyon and looks like one of the pictures she took. I am so proud of Mom for taking the initiative and heading out. She is amazing and I am lucky she is my Mama!

Here we are shoveling snow a few weeks ago.
(I am scrunching..thats not a double chin, I dont think)


Monday, January 17, 2011


Saturday was Calebs 13th birthday. I cannot believe all my kids are teenagers!!!! He had a great day snowboarding with Kayl, Morgan, John, Nikki, Harley and Nikki's parents. I stayed home and prepared for his party. Had a great time decorating (Thanks Mom and Sherri) making ribs and watching Mom make the cake.
Hope you had a great Birthday Noodle! Love you buddy!!!!

Matt brought Caleb a coconut for his Bday. I told him to bring Caleb something totally off the wall. If anyone can do that, it would be Matt! (Morgans Dad)

My boys!!!!!
Mom made Caleb an awesome carrot cake. Two layers of yummy goodness!

I of course was totally obnoxious and had everyone wearing tieras and beads. I think the kids are used to me being a dork!

We decorated the house, Caleb had no idea we had that planned. I had so much fun with Mom and Sherri decorating.

Caleb has grown up so fast, I am so proud of the person he has become. Next....Kayl will be 18, Houstin and Morgan 16! All in one year......UGGGG I am in for it.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Houstin's Igloo

WOW! I cannot believe I found these pictures. Thats what happens when you find a memory card in a box! Here are pictures of Houstins Igloo he made. Jason and I let him sleep all night in it. I recall being so worried! This is what started the Igloo idea and why I had to let Morgan sleep in his a few weeks ago. What amazing memories. Mom and I are pretty sure this is the winter of 08-09 when we had a ton of snow. Houstin took the video camera out with him and made the funniest movie. This is the stuff that chokes you up but you cannot wait to share with others.

Houstin and Caleb

The Igloo was in the back where Jason could pile snow up for Houstin with the plow

Had to put this one in there. We had huge snow storms that year. Jason would be out all day long on the four wheeler plowing all the driveways..sidewalks and sometimes the street. We used to tease him all the time that he was going to start plowing the lawns. Everyone loved Jase, he was always willing to help anyone...anytime! There is a single lady a few houses down he always worried about. Sometimes he would plow her driveway before ours and she always made him cookies. He was just that way, thoughtful and helpful.

Jason on the four wheeler

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Here is the deal, we are currently trying to put together a Ski trip to see Leslie and Joshua. After I froze my butt off last night and woke up to totally dreary cold weather I am putting my foot down. We need tropics, sunshine, the fabulous smell of the ocean, no more of this snow and cold crap! TORI I NEED YOU! By this time almost every year there is a trip that has been planned for months, or we are packing to leave. Tori my sweet sister is the best at planning trips. Last year I was in the Florida Keyes... wish I could share photos but they are on the crashed computer. I am sharing some photos from past years starting in 2007.

Cruise! Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, Barbados, Antigua, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, St. John
January 2008
Palm Springs!
March 2009
Puerto Rico
March 2008

Cruise with the Boys!
April 2007

March 2007

I say....Tori.....put your thinking cap on and let those fingers do some fancy computer work.....get us out of here! Any suggestions people????????? Don't say Alaska April...I need to thaw out already.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Morgan and Winter Break

Well, its over winter break for the children came and left. Its been lonely the past few days with the kids in school. I had so much fun with them and wow they are amazing. Last week after the holidays I took the kids bowling and to laser tag. This is what I learned. I cannot bowl, and playing laser tag with 10 year old strangers is a VERY BAD idea for me! I think I got the "lets put the old lady in the corner" treatment from them. I was so fired up when we left it made the boys giggle. Kayl kicks butt bowling and Caleb quickly picked up the skill giving Kayl a run for his money. They were neck and neck on the last frame but Kayl took Caleb out with a strike. Morgan worked on his bowling technique, I have never laughed so hard! I look at my kids and I am so proud. They are wacky, they say and wear the strangest things...but they are my boys!

Morgan getting the swoop of the leg down.

Okay Morgan it might seem like I am picking on you but I promise I am not. Morgan has a new obsession, a Digerydoo from Australia. I am sure I spelled it wrong, but for those of you that dont know what this is, its sounds like a fog horn. Morgan, my creative crafty child made his own out of a pipe. Nanny also went and bought him some canning wax so he could make a mouth piece. He played this I swear what seemed like the entire break. He would go outside and play it, cats, dogs, small children all crying! Oh Morgan....I just love you buddy!

Morgan playing his Digerydoo on a foggy night. It really sounded cool.

Morgan and his buddy Tyler made an Igloo out back last week. They absolutely had to sleep in it over night. I do recall Houstin doing this a few years ago, Jason and I did let him sleep in it overnight. Obviously that was thrown at me and I had to let them do it. They made it all night in the Igloo but I was up every hour listening for noises. Here is what is so stupid...what did I think I was going to hear? The muffled sounds of two teenage boys stuck in a collapsed igloo? Good grief the things we do as mothers!