Friday, January 14, 2011

Houstin's Igloo

WOW! I cannot believe I found these pictures. Thats what happens when you find a memory card in a box! Here are pictures of Houstins Igloo he made. Jason and I let him sleep all night in it. I recall being so worried! This is what started the Igloo idea and why I had to let Morgan sleep in his a few weeks ago. What amazing memories. Mom and I are pretty sure this is the winter of 08-09 when we had a ton of snow. Houstin took the video camera out with him and made the funniest movie. This is the stuff that chokes you up but you cannot wait to share with others.

Houstin and Caleb

The Igloo was in the back where Jason could pile snow up for Houstin with the plow

Had to put this one in there. We had huge snow storms that year. Jason would be out all day long on the four wheeler plowing all the driveways..sidewalks and sometimes the street. We used to tease him all the time that he was going to start plowing the lawns. Everyone loved Jase, he was always willing to help anyone...anytime! There is a single lady a few houses down he always worried about. Sometimes he would plow her driveway before ours and she always made him cookies. He was just that way, thoughtful and helpful.

Jason on the four wheeler

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