Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Warms me to the core!!!

We all get it, that run down I cant deal with my day, if I cover my eyes no one can see me feeling. It feels like all the happiness in the world wont shake it, that is until you have your first cup of coffee. For me....once I hear foot steps in the kitchen, the shower turn on and if I am lucky....Noodle singing in the shower, my morning brightens, a smile creeps up on my face. This is life, this is what warms me to the core. 

And the pride......

These are my boys....I get to be their Mom

I get to watch them grow....

I get to watch them make mistakes, pick them up and dust them off. 

They warm me to the core!!!!! Family 

Funny and handsome

Adventurous and Smart.....

This is what life is all about, and the reason I get out of bed everyday to face the world. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bad Blogger!

I admit I have been a very bad blogger. I have thought about it, but for some reason I just havent made the time. First off I have no idea where my camera is so these are coming from my phone...the phone I hate! Had I not dropped my blackberry in the toilet I would be a less frustrated person. I dont need to jump into touch screen technology, apparently the day the new phone was purchased I thought I should. A lot has been going on. Its been an amazing few months! Kayl graduated (still dont have pictures from that day) Leslie and April, Melissa and Taylor came for a visit ( still dont have pictures from that visit sister ) . I am in a new relationship.....yes I just posted that! More to come on that topic at a later date...we will see. It has been incredibly cold and dreary here. Not a lot of boating days, which you all know I love! I have been doing some serious dejunking and selling of things. The boat is for sale.....the fifth wheel is sold (yeah Mike and Sherry!) and the truck is now for sale as well. I feel good about the decision. Its cleansing! 

The kids were all gone last night and mother went fishing with Andy. So I found myself in a quiet house with the dogs....including another dog I agreed to dog sit for two weeks. TWO WEEKS is MAX! She and I had a disagreement last night when it came to bath time. The other three dogs looked on in horror as I held Harley in the tub and covered her in shampoo and conditioner. She now has a perfect part down her back and for some reason it reminds me of Eric Estrada from Chips....hmmmmmm.

I sit here this morning catching up on others blogs ( I am so behind socially! ) and meal planning. Memories of the past few weeks and some of the good times I have shared with friends and family.

Mikey and I enjoyed a few hours on the Lake with John and Nikki ( I miss you guys!) 

I dig Johns hair! 

This is apple juice kids.........Good friends and good times! 

This is on the agenda to bake today. Leslie and I made it for Mom's birthday. She and April made it again for Melissa's birthday last week and I cant resist...it must be made again! It is the best cake ever and weighs about 10 lbs. I highly recommend it, the recipe can be found at My Baking Addiction. OHHHHH MAN!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Foster Mother

I wasnt sure what I was getting myself into but just like everything else I do I go with my instincts and it always turns out great or I chalk it up to a learning experience.

Everyone.....................meet RANGER........

I am the foster mother of the sweet 110 lb Black Lab Great Dane mix and I am in LOVE with him. He is my big sweet slobbery dog! I cant say "dog sitter" sounds way to impersonal and I refer to myself as "mommy" to Ranger. Yes I adore him that much. A friend of mine sold his house and Ranger had no where to lay his big body so I am caring for him for now. I will miss him when he goes. Caleb has me on an exercise schedule to drop the 15 lbs I gained when I quit smoking (yes I still want to cover myself in nicotine patches). So every morning he wakes me up at 5:30 I strap on the jog leash and Ranger pulls me for a mile and a half. Of course the remaining .75 miles is up hill and I have to pull Ranger. He is so big that when he slacks the leash, then pulls, it about knocks you over! In reaction I tighten my abs and clench my butt....I am getting a full body work out!!!!! He loves to play catch, unfortunately that has been happening inside......he hits the rug in the front room and slides to where he almost hits the door. My house might look like a wreck most of the time but its okay...totally worth it. He loves Noodle, when he leaves for school Ranger stands at the window all sad.

Here are me and my boys. a BIG dog and two little dogs. Rolling Solie in bacon grease didnt work......he and Ranger play together all the time.

He lays in my office next to me when I work.

How could you not love him!

Doesnt matter where I am or whats in the way. He likes to chill out next to his mommy. (okay I am a junkie...I admit it)

There is so much going on and I have had zero time to post. Here is a quick run down.

Kayl is graduating on Tuesday.....HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of him! Morgan, Caleb and Houstin are almost done with the school year. Mother bought a new car (Subaru) and planted the garden. Leslie will be here on Saturday, April, Melissa and Taylor will be here on Monday. Lots going on with work..............................Work...............................Work............Work.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Noodle's Blondie Locks

When Caleb was born he had a full head of hair the color of sand. The most amazing head of hair you have ever seen, it has followed him through his 13 years. The girls at school are so jealous of him.....that became a bit of an issue. He has been growing his hair out for over a year and finally to the point where he can pull it back in a hair tie. The other day he gave it up, said he was done being called a girl or Jesus...kids can be so mean! I am sure he could see the hesitation on my face and hear it in my voice but its his choice.....sooooooooo.

How could you not love a kid with hair like this and those little chubby cheeks! Caleb with his Auntie April in Carnation Washington, he was almost two.

The.....sniff sniff...last....um...picture of Noodle with long hair...sob sob. At the Salon waiting for Edward Scissor Hands...

I think he was saying...Enough is enough just shave it...or something like that.

I will admit, I had a hard time with his hair being cut. We tried to donate to locks of love but we were just a little to short.

The entire time, he had a smile on his face from ear to ear.

Total 80's rock star look but he wouldnt go for it.

Oh My! Your how old? He just went from looking 10, 10 minutes ago to looking 13. I about fainted. The empty nest syndrome is setting in.

I cannot believe how different he looks, he is still so handsome....but the baby face is officially gone. We ran a few errands afterwards and he said he could finally hear! Welcome to another stage of your life Noodle...oh should I still call him Noodle??????

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Break at Cougar Ranch

I had someone ask me one time if I wanted to share one of the 100 thoughts I had in my head at that moment. My brain moves so fast most of the time I cannot keep up with myself! Its true, if you know me you know that its hard for me to calm down and relax. This trip is a prime example of how quickly my brain moves and how badly I need someone to slow me down. We decided to head to Junction Utah for Spring Break. The Eagar family cabin is there and Morgan loves it! It was going to be a first trip for Caleb and Kayl. Matt (Morgans Dad) agreed to come with us and help so I could work. Yes, I said so I could work. It was the perfect idea......haul the fifth wheel down so I have power and comfort, I work, the kids play........we see each other when they are hungry. Sounds perfect doesnt it???

Hmmmmm, I think there was a higher power in control of this one. Friday before we are supposed to leave it hits me that I have to pack. I had forgotten to register not only the truck but the trailer and the ranger as well. I flew into panic mode and that didnt end until we were on the road Sunday afternoon. At this point my children deserved a vacation, dealing with me barking orders and my zillion lists would make anyone crazy.

Speeding up.........we get to the cabin only for me to realize I have no service.....NONE!!! Okay...okay...calm down, no issue right? Except I have a meeting Monday morning at 10:00 AM. Matt drove me around that mountain for hours trying to find the perfect working spot where I could bring a portable table and just work, no problem.


I headed to the small store in town, mind you this is also the liquor store/post office/ Home Depot...etc....I think there was a doctors office in the back room and a jail cell next to it...(just kidding but you get my point). I stood in the store looking like an idiot with my blackberry in the air waiting to see the 3G symbol. I ask the clerk/midwife/garbage women/accountant/day care provider/Mary Kay specialist...."dont you have wireless"? I get a chuckle from another women at the counter who I swear is chewing Copenhagen. I was told to hold my phone in the corner of the window and stick my other arm in the air. Oh boy.....I knew I was in trouble! By this time it was late and camp needed to be attended to. I figured...have a glass of wine and deal with it in the morning. I plugged my phone in the trailer that night...HUGE MISTAKE! It fried my blackb erry battery.

So Monday morning hit, I spent two hours in the morning with Matt driving around again to find any type of service and missed my meeting. I had to head to the nearest town to find a Verizon store (I have to admit I was hoping it would double as a spa as well). Really, through all of it I had tears.....I had to put my work aside and realize what I was putting not only myself but my family through for my career. A wise man said to me the other day he felt arrogant when he thought he couldnt leave the office for a few days. Like we are the only ones that can do the job. Steve......I got your meaning, I swear you said that just for me! Here was my final sign.....I passed a hotel/church/jail/pub/meeting hall and the sign said "prayer is your best wireless connection". GOOD GRIEF! So I put it all aside, I admitted my arrogance and clocked out for a few days.

I started to see the light.....through the million thoughts in my head of possible issues at the office I could totally fix! Here is what I had the pleasure of experiencing.

I got to reconnect with my dogs. They make me so crazy! But on this trip, I had the realization that I do love my dogs and if anything ever happened to them I would cry.

Fez...Fezzie.....Fezikins. Yes he looks like a football and weighs as much as a small goat. But I love him and he loves me back.

Solie....next to the fire..that is burning.....and a bottle of lighter fluid.... (this is not material for a poster labeled TEMPTING) I love my Solie dog, and he loves me.

Kayl, Morgan and Caleb all went for a hike looking for sheds (horns from Deer and Elk they have shed). They had been gone for hours. In the background you see Matt (dont tell him I have this picture he would never forgive me) I laughed at how worried he was when the children had been gone for a few hours. Finally someone to share the worry with me! He let them go when I was on my adventure for a blackberry battery.

Noodle totally exhausted from the hike. He had a good time with the boys and found sheds as well. I look at him and cannot believe how grown up he is.

The next day we all went for a hike where Matt and I saw at least 100 deer the day before (cell phone service adventure). During the hike I found incredible Indian pottery. Pottery and arrow heads are all over the place down there and so fun to find. Everyone took off on their own except for Noodle. He got stuck with the old out of shape Mom thats not as cool as his brothers....I am a girl! Here we are at the top, it was a ways up there and kicked my bootie! First hike of the year, not to bad. Here is where I realized I need to find my own life. Little man wanted to take off and hang with his bro's. My heart broke knowing they are all going to be gone in a few years. What in the world am I going to do??....slump....pout.....

Very cool to watch the boys at various moments hang out together. Just talk and enjoy each others company. Nothing to worry about (I totally shut my mouth). They amaze me, with everything they do.

Morgan and Kayl chilling...who knows what they are talking about.

Big huge tire swing the boys had a blast on. Here they are pushing Caleb who is laughing so hard. Morgan tied a rope to the back of the swing so he could get Caleb even higher. Yes I secretly wanted to put a helmet on him for safety but again.. I shut my mouth......grrrrrrr.

I crack up when I looked at the counter in the fifth wheel and realized how I was coping. Bottle of wine.....Styrofoam cup for my wine and NyQuil. Now that is some funny stuff right there! The only thing missing here is the alka seltzer that is also part of my daily routine...

The weather was not the best, it was cold, it rained, the wind blew...OK it flat out sucked! But it didnt stop the boys from doing what they wanted to do. Me, I hung out in the fifth wheel with the above condiments! The last night we were there the boys all sat in the cabin and played Risk. Matt decided he was going to cook, really it didnt work out to well. I had to come to the rescue. I wasnt about ready to watch a Porterhouse steak burn to a crisp! Below is what we woke up to. SNOW...COLD.....SUCKED One of my favorite signs, it actually says beware of the trolls!

Here is a shot from the fifth wheel, through those trees is the cabin.

By the time we were all packed up I was so ready to go home I wished I could magically sprout wings! I was so excited to get in the truck and work, I am a total junkie and I have to accept it. on the way home....my phone battery died, my laptop battery died and the outlets in the truck didnt work. I was forced to silence the last hour of the trip. I learned a lot about myself and loved watching my kids. Next time....they can go with Matt and I will stay home where it is warm and I have service!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Going Green

I dont think we are to the point where anyone is going to start dabbing patchouli oil on but we may be close! To all my friends out there...If I try and tap into my younger years and loose the razor..shake me. One of these days I am going to have to dig out the pictures of my VW Bus for the kids. I was so granola the kids laugh at my stories. I always teased Jason that I was going to loose my razor, stop wearing make up and dying my hair (secret is out) when we retired. He obviously didnt like that thought. I still dab sandalwood on when I go camping...it makes me feel earthy and couples well with my dirty feet.

So our family is going green! We have already started our recycling bin, its been a bit of a challenge making sure it all gets in the right place and having to wash half of it out. Drives me nuts but I am dedicated! This all started with the children wanting to spend two weeks in the hills this summer learning to live off the land.....well no actually it started with the movie "Into The Wild" If you havent seen it...you need to! The older boys tell me that they are not going to shave all summer either, I love the thought of not having to pay for their razors but if you have seen Morgans facial hair, he is going have a full beard half way through the summer.

Mom has already mapped out the garden and ordered our seeds. We are so excited to get the green house up! Leslie we could sure use some tips on composting, this is going to be totally new to us but everyone in the house is all for it.

Lots of exciting things going on now all we need is the sunshine!

Monday, March 21, 2011

UH.....what just happened...PROM?

I honestly wonder where the time went. Morgan, my baby...the little boy who's butt fit in the palm of my hand (sorry buddy but it did!). Now all of the sudden I am in the throws of a Prom party, tuxedo, flowers, dress colors, photos......UH, WHAT JUST HAPPENED? He grew up and all of the sudden girls are important. Am I really ready for this???..I say not really! I am lucky that Morgans cute little girlfriend Brynn is darling and we love having her around. We have her as often as we can for family dinner. Shes a cutie!

Tyler helping Morgan get ready. Love the hat but Morgan wouldnt wear it. (ooohhh second look at this one and he does resemble someone from the 80's)


I will cherish this picture forever!

End result, Morgan and Brynn! Thank you sweet sister Tori http://www.torielwellphotography.blogspot.com/
For those of you that are curious, Morgan danced a slow song. Good call buddy!

Family Dinner

Mom and Dad (Jack and Marsha) Started a new tradition. They come to each one of the childrens house once a month so we can all visit. This month it was my turn. For those of you that know Dad you know what a picky eater he is....and I mean PICKY! When you order a burger for Dad, you order a burger on a bun..period. Jason freaked me out the first time we had Mom and Dad over for dinner. UGG I agonized over what to feed Dad for so long. I think Jason did it just to watch me squirm! So, I am very careful what I put in front of Dad and expect him to gobble up. I would never show a horrible picture of me like this one (what is that look on my face????) but "I GET BRAGGING RIGHTS"! Dad's plate is EMPTY! We had such a fabulous time together, it was so nice to see Mom and Dad, Houstin, Jared, Tori and Brogan. Amazing family and I love them all dearly! Mom I fixed the comments section so you can post anonymous if you choose.


I look over the past few months and all I have posted about has been the "BASEMENT". Enough Enough Enough.....we are finally DONE! Ahhhhhhh, such an amazing feeling to finally be able to move onto something else. Geez I wonder whats next...hmmmmmm I am sure I will think of something very frustrating and time consuming!

I have so many people to thank. So without further delay.......

Toya Larsen with Unigue Tile and Stone...girl you were a life saver! Toya designed our tile and helped with the ordering of everything! She is a super star and works with some amazing people. LOVE THEM. Toya also does interior design on the side......if your in need, Toya is your girl. www.uniquetile.net toya@uniquetile.net

Beverly over at Home Depot in American Fork....she was so awesome as I changed my mind a zillion times on the carpet. Thanks Beverly!

John Wallace with JW Floor Covering, awesome job laying the carpet and fixing the edge of the carpet leading into the tile. He didnt even charge us extra for that! 866-594-6782

CARPET REHAB 1, Ryan over there is awesome! He came in and cleaned the carpet in the entire house for one hell of a price. He took out stains and smells in the carpet I thought would never come out. Ryan...you are a SUPER STAR! Find them on Face book Carpet Rehab 1 1 801-857-7562 carpetrehab1@yahoo.com (psssssttttt....tell them I sent you, if you do, they will clean my boat and it could really use a cleaning)

Crayton......family friend did all of our electrical. Crayton is awesome! And Jared Elwell for keeping Crayton company and making sure he had a cold beer.

Mikey Percell.....Painter extrodinar.........did all the painting and treated me like I was one of his workers. Didnt care that I had a blister on my finger from caulking! Love you man.....

Last but not least. My family.......Mom, Morgan, Kayl, Caleb and Guster always digging in. Matt and Aaron Eagar for doing all the tile work. I am so blessed to have such an amazing family!

Monday, March 14, 2011

LUCKY LADY.....Basement update

Here it is a Monday morning...busy with meetings today so this is going to be a very quick post. I am considering myself a Lucky Lady! I have the best kids and the best friends in the world! Mikey my favorite painter (also one of my best friends!) came and helped a sobbing Brenda with the painting this weekend. He is such a superstar it only took him a few hours to do the bathroom on Friday. I would have been at that sucker all day and had to cover my body with Bengay before bedtime. Saturday morning we lost a very dear friend and Mikey's sister in law. Carmen was very young and battled cancer for a year. My heart breaks for her family, we will miss seeing her smiling face.

Bathroom after Mikey's touch

Saturday morning we were not expecting Mikey to be up and around. We flew into gear and rolled on the primer. We did get in trouble with Mikey when he came up later in the day to paint. I think he more or less giggled at what a non professional painting job we did!

I did help with all the calking and taping up door hinges etc. My finger was so sore from running calking beads! I dont choose painting as a profession!

All the doors lined up. I learned how to remove and install doors! Oh yeah...I am a big girl now!

Finishing up, you can really see the contrast with the dark colored walls. So beautiful!

Totally cleaned up and ready for carpet tomorrow morning. The only area left is the hallway.

Chocolate wall where the possible "future bar" is...we will see...I am pretty worn out over this!

I am a very Lucky Lady! Thanks Mikey, Mom and boys for all your help! We are so so so close to being done. It should all be done by the end of the week! Super excited to have Morgans Prom Party and the Elwell family party on Sunday!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meet one of my sisters.......Tori Elwell

I have to get this off my chest, been on my mind all day. Things set memories off, a song, a smell, a picture, one thought leading to another. This morning I have no idea what set me off but my memories led back to Tori, always to Tori. If you do not know who Tori is, you should (her blog link is to the right). Tori is my sister and I love her! She has been my rock, my best friend, my "go to person".....(I am not going to cry...I am not going to cry.....crap......crying). Lets go back for a minute....to the day I learned about Tori. Jared, Tori's now sweet, wonderful, loving husband had gone through a few girlfriends (whisper....in a row), I finally had to tell him I wouldnt meet anymore of them. Then.......a phone call, late at night, VERY late at night on a weekday no less. Jason and I were in bed and I could hear Jared and Tori's voice over the phone, they were in a Walmart parking lot playing "poop dollar". Yes I did say "poop dollar", something to do with dog poop and a five dollar bill laying on the ground. Right then and there, I knew she was family.....straight up Elwell style. As a wife of an Elwell you have to be able to take what is thrown at you and if you want to continue to be an Elwell, you better learn quick how to play along. From that day on, she has been my sister with all my heart and soul. I sure love you girl!

I do believe Tori is checking the fashion tape so gracefully adhered to my dress.

True bonding time. Tori and I in the hull of a boat in Lake Powell, middle of the summer, helping the boys weld with very little oxygen. What we called the Cheech and Chong adventure. We were filthy dirty and guaranteed short a few brain cells! Worked all night long and played all day.

Lake Powell, trip to the marina to get something to float on.

I can say this.....anytime you were with Jason....Beer was involved...period....point blank....you do not ask questions.....and you would end up giggling......A LOT!
Example: Tori below, giggling in the back of the car with a radial float tube around her waist....beer in hand!

Isnt she pretty!

Picture from our Cruise, Me, Tori and Patty. Tori was pregnant and out played all of us. Of course she chose one person each day to partake of the daily ships drink for her. That may have had something to do with our early bed time.

Tori, with Mom and Dad and Jared.

One of the happiest days of my life as well as hers. Tori's wedding day, officially an Elwell.

No idea why this one is so small. Fish Lake the February before Jason passed.
Yes that is a bloody Mary in her cup...Jason is in the background and guaranteed there was beer involved.

I feel so much better...I love love love to share stories and feelings, refreshing! Thanks for being my "go to person" sister!